Skills Timeline

These are skills I think show my current software knowledge well.

Listed with the skills are where I learned or demonstrated them (a class, project, etc.)

There's also some timeline information on previous activites and experiences here, too.


Developed first robot program in Java for FRC
Code successfully controlled a ball intake subsystem and a ball shooter subsystem during offseason


Developed a vision system capable of sensing retro-reflective targets and logging their pixel position
Ran on a Raspberry Pi, which sent target position to the main robot controller

Wrote robot-side code to navigate to detected targets, allowing for game piece placement during automated game play sections

Learned C++ to develop an Arduino-based Ethernet LED strip controller during the off-season
Sent robot state information through UDP socket connection from the robot controller to the microcontroller


Developed code to drive a 2-stage linear elevator to preset heights by utilizing a PIDF control loop measuring encoder error
Used during both automated and driver-controlled gameplay

Utilized encoders and a gyroscope to autonomously navigate the field during automated gameplay

First exposure to Python in LBCC’s CS 160 course


Developed code to drive a similar 2-stage elevator to the 2018 season

For my LBCC CS 162 final, developed a Python web scraping application to pull course grades from Moodle, then display them using a Kivy-based desktop UI


Began FRC software mentoring at request of FRC Team #957

Learned C in LBCC’s CS 133C course, covering topics such as pointers


Took LBCC’s Data Structures course, focusing on data structure implementation in C++

Took OSU’s Analysis of Algorithms course, focusing on the implementation and understanding of algorithms involving graphs and selection

Took OSU’s Operating Systems I course, focusing on operating system function access using C
Built a local Linux file server for running C code off the Oregon State servers


Took LBCC’s CS 290 Web Development course, focusing on web development in HTML and CSS

Took OSU’s Intro to Parallel Programming course, learning software parallelization methods involving SIMD, CUDA, multi-core, and multi-processor techniques

Took OSU’s Mobile Software Development course, learning Dart and Flutter using Android devices

Took OSU’s Machine Learning and Data Mining course, gaining an introduction to both supervised and unsupervised learning.

Took OSU’s Introduction to Databases course, gaining skills in SQL programming and database management


Took OSU’s Intro to Numerical Analysis and Numerical Linear Algebra courses, focusing on implementation of linear analysis methods in Matlab

Took OSU’s Software Engineering I and II courses, teaching an introduction to the software design process

Began Senior Capstone


Took OSU’s Intro to Security course, gaining an introduction to encryption, implementing bloom filters, and interacting with Google Authenticator

Graduated from Oregon State University

Designed this website!

Senior Capstone, 2023-2024

Led the Audiolux Audio Visualizer team, coordinating merges and managing team progress

Redesigned the device’s Preact web dashboard and device web API

Contributed to most of the stakeholder requested features and design documents

Deployed two websites for code reference documentation using GitHub Actions/Pages

Wrote a 17-page technical document for new developers

Presented the project to the public at Oregon State’s Expo project fair

Led architecture redesign for microcontroller codebase